Sunday, April 26, 2015

23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain/loss? 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Miss anything? Not having hip and back pain while trying to do simple things like clean or fold clothes.
Movement? Yes.. my husband FINALLY felt him move at 23 weeks 4 days!
Cravings? Tuna...tuna...more tuna. Why must this be a limited pregnancy food???
Food aversions? Nothing really. I was THIS close to eating a steak last week but decided to wait a little longer before entering into the red meat world again.
Are you showing yet? Yes
Symptoms? Hip pain and Braxton hicks. I am learning that I physically can't do as much as I would like to anymore. After standing and trying to clean or work on the nursery for a few hours, the Braxton hicks get worse. And last but certainly not least, LEG CRAMPS. I never thought a leg cramp could bring you to tears....but I was WRONG. Ouch!!!
Looking forward to? Summer..oddly enough since I will be very hot and pregnant for 90% of the season. I am ready to start going to our river house and spending time down there. It always reminds me so much of my grandparents, so even if I go down there and do nothing I almost feel like they are there with us all.

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