Saturday, August 31, 2013

My forgotten blog...

I didn't actually forget about my blog, I have been trying to post for weeks but have had several delays. During the moving process I have lost and found many things. Last month after taking a few pictures of our home I realized I had misplaced my camera charger and was unable to upload or take any more pictures. After much searching last night, I FINALLY found it! So after weeks of waiting I can finally show you some pictures of our home. All of my "before" pictures are on a different camera so I will have to write about them later... you wont be missing much. We still have plenty of work to do but we have come so far and it's nice to finally be able to enjoy our home. Of course, you will seen my beloved Penny making her appearance in a few pictures!

 Guest Bedroom


 Guest Bedroom (2)



 Living Room

 Living Room

 Living Room

 Living Room (I spy an adorable dachshund)

 Dining Room


 Master Bedroom

 Master Bedroom
 Ceiling in Master bedroom (This will require an entire blog post)



 Living Room

 Could she be any cuter? Holy moly.... LOVE
 Minimal Fall decor in the living room (I'm going to wait ONE more week and then it's out of my hands) :)

 Front Door and "foyer"

Dining Room with addition of plate wall

Although, there isn't one room in the entire house that I have actually completed, I'm so happy with the way things are moving along. I have tried to use a lot of decorative pieces that I already had, so I would like to update a lot of things in the future. We still have some molding and a couple of outlet plates to be completed but other than that the "construction" phase of the inside is FINISHED!! Now, on to the outside... when the weather gets cool enough to function out there (BRING ON THE FALL)! I hope everyone has a safe and WONDERFUL Labor Day weekend, it just so happens that my birthday falls on the holiday this year so I will be celebrating all weekend!! Bring on the festivities!