Sunday, September 13, 2015

One Month of Motherhood

This has been the fastest month of my entire life. It makes me so sad to think about how quickly time will continue to fly by. I just wish I could freeze time for just a few months and soak up every minute of his tiny sweetness. Since I can't do that, I thought I would share a few things I have learned over the last month. First, don't set any expectations for your first month...or probably year for that matter. I think that puts too much pressure on you as a new mother, so go with the flow and when things go smoothly, take it as a win and if they don't go as you expected at least you wont feel defeated. A few things I think are must-haves for a the newborn life are: Gas drops, Gripe water, boppy, a LARGE water tumbler, a breast pump (if you are breast feeding), nipple cream (a prescription strength did wonders for me), breast soothies, nursing bras, hand sanitizer, Tommee Tippee bibs, more diapers than you can imagine and all the help that friends and family offer. We have already gone through a bottle and a half of gas drops and gripe water (I use Little Remedies brand) since we came home. Harrison gets the hiccup at least 3 times a day and gripe water takes them away within literally seconds, it's amazing. Breast feeding has been THE most challenging part of being a new mother but it has become so much easier during the last week. Everyone told me 2 weeks, don't expect to wake up on the morning of week 2 with relief, it took a little longer for me. I know this is a lot of rambling but I thought some of this information may be helpful for other new moms. I am always taking ALL of the advice I can get, I don't think we can be over prepared for life as a new mommy. It it truly the BEST thing in the entire world and I thank God everyday for my sweet boy. Since Labor day has come and gone, I can't wait to start dressing Harrison and myself  in fall and Halloween outfits! Have a great Sunday!

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