How in the world am I 6 months pregnant? Time is flying by so quickly. I am dreaming of the day (not so far away anymore) when I get to meet and snuggle and love and smell and stare at my baby!! Heart eyes for days!
How far along? 24 weeks
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain/loss? 13 lbs.. I really hope to keep up this one pound a week gain...that would be so great!
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Miss anything? Not having leg cramps! I wake up and feel like I have done 18,038 squats and leg presses and I assure you.. not one has been done.
Movement? Yes. Feeling more and more every day. It's the best feeling in the world.
Cravings? I could still eat tuna everyday...I think this is due to the fact that I can't actually eat it everyday. We always want what we can't have.
Food aversions? None!! I ate a filet at Bonefish a few days ago! Yes!! Red meat is BACK!
Are you showing yet? Obviously... I think at this point.
Symptoms? Hip pain and leg cramps..this is probably not going to change unfortunately. I am thinking about going to a chiropractor for my hips? Any thoughts or suggestions?
Looking forward to? My first baby shower! I will be celebrating this weekend with my childhood best friend, who is flying in from Texas and I am so, so excited! I can't believe I'm having a baby shower... it feels pretty surreal.