UPDATE: I started writing these posts many weeks ago and thought I would go ahead and start posting them now. Hopefully I will get caught up soon.
FINALLY, I feel like I have something to blog about. I am SO, so excited to announce that my husband and I are expecting our first child in August. I have been so filled with joy and happiness (and fear) since the night we found out. Once I told my friends I work, I asked " is it normal to be worried about EVERYTHING this early?" I was reassured that was just the "mama in me", which made me feel better. I am beyond ready and excited to find out the gender. There are so many reasons why either a boy or girl would be so exciting and I just can't wait to finally call this little person inside of me by his/her name. My very favorite blogger,
Jessica Garvin has inspired me to document by pregnancy week by week. I want to remember each and every week of my pregnancy; the good, the bad and the swollen. I'm definitely in the market for great pre-natal and new baby advice if you have any good tips. So far, I am so lucky to say that I've had a great pregnancy. Only a few days of nausea and tiredness. For now I'll start with my first chalkboard, here we go!
How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? up 3.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, one pair of jeans so far.
Miss anything? Sleeping all night without getting up to pee.
Movement? Not yet, but I am anxiously awaiting.
Cravings? Chocolate Milk, all fruity candy (Laffy Taffy, gummy worms, chewy sprees, starburst)
Food aversions? Red meat (since week 6), hot coffee and seafood (all of a sudden)
Are you showing yet? A little bump (which is starting to feel hard)
Gender? Hopefully we will find out in 3 weeks
Symptoms? Lower back pain that comes and goes throughout the day
Looking forward to? Finding out the gender and shopping for our baby boy/girl